News from the Department of Translational Genomics

New Publication in Nature

03/13/2024 | Scientists unravel mystery of drug response in Small Cell Lung cCancer

Women & Science 12

02/13/2024 | Friederike Reuver, Psychologist, systemic coach and trainer

Deutscher Krebshilfe Preis 2023

02/06/2024 | Prof. Roman Thomas has been awarded with the German Cancer Aid Prize 2023

Floor-Meeting guest speaker

12/08/2023 | Dr. Michael Tyler on 11th December 2023, 2 pm

Women & Science 11

12/07/2023 | Friederike Reuver, Psychologist, systemic coach and trainer

Publication in ‘The Journal of Clinical Investigation’

11/01/2023 | Another building block for personalized medicine for lung cancer is discovered

CMMC Seminar: The structure and function of G-quadruplexes

10/19/2023 | Sir Shankar Balasubramanian on 03rd November 2023

Mildred Scheel endowed professorship established

09/04/2023 | Martin Peifer's professorship was made permanent in the Department of Translational Genomics

Women & Science 10

08/28/2023 | Prof. Dr. Daniela Elsner, Gutenberg University Mainz

Extension of SFB1399

05/22/2023 | Funding for worldwide largest research consortium on Small Cell Lung Cancer extended for four additional years